Vitor Australian Navel Orange review
Published byI had oranges my whole life from squeeze, juices to fruits.. it is one of my favourite fruit of all time. but I had seldom noticed the brand and type of orange i had just recently. since months ago I found few types. 2 days ago I had my chance to purchase a brand call Vitor Navel Orange, bought 3 and each cost me RM5.80 per fruit.
There are two most popular varieties of oranges, Valencia and Navel. Juicy and citrusy Valencias are great juicing oranges, whilst Navels with its characteristic protruding navel is sweet, tangy and just a super eating orange.
Valencia oranges are available from April to October from USA and August to April from Australia. Navel oranges season starts in December through to July in the USA and April to November in Australia.
Spanish oranges have also made their way into the supermarkets – with Salustiana and Valencia’s proving popular as juicing oranges, whilst Spanish Mandarins bring back the tangy, citrus aroma and are delightful in their sweet-tangy flavour
VITOR is known as Australia’s best oranges! The Oranges are excellent oranges that are seedless, sweet, tangy, smooth pulpy flesh and well-balanced overall variety. It also comes with a great source of A & C, Flavonoids, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Calcium and Fiber.
- Believe to be Rich in antioxidants
- High in fibre that prevents constipation and toxin accumulation
- Prevents macular (eye's muscle ) degeneration in ageing
- Protect against osteoporosis
- Reduce high cholesterol level
- Lower the risk of cancer and chronic diseases
got the above information from the web and respective websites.
reference website
My Experience
Had all the 3 oranges with very high expectation. here is my conclusion.
1. The Skin is super thick
2. It was a bit toward sour
3. It was juicy
4. The texture was great, crunchie and crispy
I Give it 3/5 stars
overall not very happy with it, Based on the research from the web it the season for this type of oranges. maybe I put too high expectations for this.
here are some of the photos of the fruits