8 Ways to do if your child is obsessed with video games

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Do you feel your child is starting to give up outside activities or hobbies? Do they get angry when you remove their video games?

If your child has any of these symptoms, unfortunately, they have become obsessed with video games. In today's 21st century, video games have become a normal activity and trend. However, everything has a side effect. In 2022, gaming disorder was recognized as a legitimate disease (ICD) by the World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. 

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Therefore, here are some actions which are parents may do to get their child quit video games: 

1.   Discuss the context of video games with your children.

Parents can have a conversation with their child to reassure him that gaming is not his entire existence but rather merely a hobby or a method to pass the time. Also, ensure that they are aware that their achievements in video games have no impact on their actual success. It is more valuable to earn merits in the real world, such as through academic success, monetary success, or the development of new and useful talents, than get merit through gaming.

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2.   Encourage participation in sports and exercise

Suggest children take part in an activity that requires them to engage with other people, such as bowling, badminton, football, or basketball.

  • During the course of their participation in the events, children will meet new friends
  • Encourage active play among youngsters as a means of preventing addiction to video games
  • Raise the levels of serotonin in the blood and improve your mental health 

In order to have a more distant relationship with their offspring, parents can work together to achieve the target.

3.    Reward redemption

The amount of times a video game is played is determined by the child's overall performance and their level of accomplishment. For instance, a parent might make a promise to a child that if the child achieves a perfect score on their English spelling test, the child will be rewarded by being able to play throughout the entire week, but if the child does not achieve such a score, the child will have to wait until the weekend to engage in such activities.

Or, the parents could assign their children certain jobs, such as cleaning the car, taking the dog for a walk, or folding the laundry. After the youngsters have finished their assignments, parents may give them a certain period of time to play the video game.

As a direct consequence of this, it is the responsibility of parents to educate their children on the value of keeping their life balanced and not making excessive time for playing video games. Spending time learning basic skills will not only make your life more enjoyable but also more beneficial.

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4.   Specify time limit restrictions for gaming

It is highly recommended that parents stick to the screen time limitations that they discuss with their children and really observe those limits themselves. For instance, only 1 hour per day or until 6pm in the evening while playing video game. If parents give their children even a little bit of wiggle room from time to time, it might set off a downward spiral in which the youngster stops taking the rules seriously.

5.  Create another interest activities when quitting a game

"Turn off your game, now go take a shower"! Or "Turn off your game and let's have KFC for dinner"?

Your child will be able to leave the game with a fresh curiosity stirred up if parents help them to explore interests through activities. Yet, children will be able to walk away from the video game without getting frustrated or emotional if they do this.

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6.  Try it with children

When the parents are there, may take part in the activities that the children are playing and cheer them in a enthusiastic manner. So that parents will have an understanding of what it is that so captivates their children. In this day and age, it is especially important for parents to take an interest in and monitor the games that their children play because many video games contain explicit sexual or violent content. For example, the PUBG mobile game, Mobile Legends and League of Legends are well known among Malaysian teenagers.

7.  Be Patient

It is impossible to conclude the process of change in a single day, a week or a month. As a result, parents should to show their children patience while educating them, supervising them, and helping them, take themselves off of addictive video games. Also, when you are interacting with your child, you should steer clear of any aggressive conduct or threatening language.

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8.   Seek counseling for expertise

If the situation is unpredictable and out of control, the best way is to consult a therapist as soon as possible to help the children. For example, suppose you or a loved one needs help with addiction or mental health issues. In that case, Serene Retreat in Kuala Lumpur, Dr. Seed Specialist Clinic (Psychiatry) in the Kepong area, and Tan & Ng Specialist Clinic in Petaling Jaya is great options. 

In a nutshell, it is common knowledge that youngsters who are hooked to video games may not pay enough attention to their schoolwork, struggle to maintain concentration, and develop a general lack of enthusiasm in life. In this situation, it is the responsibility of the parents to assist their children in avoiding being addicted to video games. The procedures and activities that have been outlined for you should hopefully motivate you.

Disclaimer: The views expressed here are solely those of the author.









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