Video| Mana wartawan Malaysia! Kenapa berdiam diri? Pengamal media dibunuh Israel di Gaza! - MAPIM

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In this opinion video, David Hearst, editor-in-chief of Middle East Eye, examines how Israel’s Ramadan massacre in Gaza, carried out with Washington’s approval, marks a new era in global politics. At 2:20 am on Tuesday, Israel launched mass attacks on 100 targets, deliberately timing them during suhoor, the pre-dawn meal of Ramadan, to inflict maximum civilian casualties. More than 400 Palestinians were killed, including 170 children. US President Donald Trump not only gave Netanyahu the green light for these attacks but also shattered the credibility of any ceasefire or treaty brokered by the West. Hearst argues that Netanyahu’s brutal resumption of the war on Gaza proves that US-backed ceasefires are meaningless. With air strikes also hitting Yemen, Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria, Trump has abandoned his pledge to end wars, instead positioning the US as a rogue actor on the global stage. For Netanyahu, this war is about more than Gaza. It is about dodging corruption charges and clinging to power. Meanwhile, Religious Zionists, now the most powerful group in Israel, see the Gaza war not as a military operation but as the army of God’s vengeance in action. Britain and Europe remain complicit, unwilling to confront Israel’s massacres, illegal sieges, and violations of international law. While European leaders denounce Trump’s plans to carve up Ukraine with Russia, they turn a blind eye to the ongoing slaughter in Gaza, exposing the selective nature of their so-called moral leadership. But Hearst warns that this is far from the end of the story. Neither Hamas nor the Palestinian people will disappear. And just as Tony Blair’s war in Iraq destroyed his legacy, Keir Starmer’s complicity in Gaza’s genocide could lead to his own political downfall. Whoever inherits the wreckage of the Trump era must face one undeniable reality: the West’s claim to moral leadership is gone - permanently.

♬ original sound - Middle East Eye

Perang di Gaza bukan sekadar pembunuhan beramai-ramai ke atas penduduk Palestin -- ia juga merupakan serangan terancang terhadap kebenaran. 

Sehingga hari ini, jumlah wartawan yang telah dibunuh oleh rejim Zionis meningkat kepada 208 orang, termasuk wartawan Hossam Shabat, koresponden AlJazeera Mubasher di Gaza Utara.

Pembunuhan kejam ini bukan kemalangan perang. Ia adalah pembunuhan terancang bagi menutup kebenaran dan menghapuskan suara yang membongkar kekejaman Israel kepada dunia.

Kredit foto: Instagram Muslim dan MuslimNews

Israel, Amerika Syarikat & Sekutu Barat Bersubahat

Kami menyalahkan Israel, Amerika Syarikat, dan negara sekutu seperti UK, Jerman, dan Perancis atas pembunuhan berterusan terhadap wartawan di Gaza.

Ini adalah jenayah perang yang terang-terangan melanggar undang-undang antarabangsa. Dunia tidak boleh berdiam diri!

Kami menuntut agar:

  1. Jenayah ini dikutuk secara global.
  2. Israel dibawa ke Mahkamah Jenayah Antarabangsa (ICC) atas pembunuhan wartawan.
  3. Keselamatan wartawan di Gaza dilindungi segera.
  4. Tekanan antarabangsa dikenakan terhadap negara yang membekalkan senjata kepada Israel.

Sikap membisu masyarakat antarabangsa hanya akan membuka lebih banyak ruang kepada Israel untuk terus membunuh wartawan dan menutup bukti jenayah perang mereka.

Kredit foto: Omar Ashtawy/APA Images

Media Malaysia: Anda Tidak Boleh Berdiam Diri!

Kami menyeru semua pengamal media Malaysia -- baik media arus perdana mahupun media sosial -- untuk bangkit:

Lapor dan dedahkan jenayah perang Israel.

  1. Gunakan istilah yang benar. Ini bukan "konflik" -- ini adalah genosid, pembersihan etnik, dan aparteid.
  2. Berikan ruang kepada suara rakyat Palestin. Jangan biarkan kisah mereka dipadamkan.
  3. Boikot naratif media pro-Zionis. Jangan biarkan propaganda Israel menguasai laporan berita.

Jika wartawan tidak selamat, kebenaran juga tidak selamat. Jika kebenaran mati, keadilan juga akan terkubur. Kini adalah masanya untuk bangkit, bersuara, dan melawan penindasan ini!

Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid

Presiden Majlis Perundingan Pertubuhan Islam Malaysia (MAPIM)


Soumaya Ghannoushi, a British-Tunisian writer and expert in Middle East politics, explains how Israel’s assault on Gaza is not just a war but a deliberate attempt to erase its history, culture, and identity. Ghannoushi argues that what is unfolding is more than mass destruction; it is cultural genocide. More than 200 heritage sites have been obliterated, including ancient mosques, churches, and archaeological landmarks that have stood for thousands of years. “This is not collateral damage,” she adds, “but a calculated effort to erase the idea that Palestinians ever belonged to Gaza, or that Gaza even existed—to sever Gaza from its past so that its people’s claim to the future can be denied.” She says this strategy follows the logic of conquest: invade, destroy, and then declare the land empty. As Trump and Farage speak of turning Gaza into a blank slate for redevelopment, they echo the colonial mindset that has long justified the erasure of indigenous peoples. Yet, as Ghannoushi reminds us, Gaza was ancient when Rome was young. It was thriving before London and Paris were even imagined. And despite relentless bombardment, despite attempts to silence its people and erase their heritage, Gaza endures. Palestinians today will not leave, because to do so would betray those who came before them. She concludes that Gaza is not ruins, and it is not nothing. It is human heritage—and the world must not allow its erasure.

♬ original sound - Middle East Eye


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