《Avengers 3》越来越gay?他们这一笑,观众都打冷颤!

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TTN 谈谈网

在《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》(Avengers: Infinity War)中,不少人都对于前美国队长(Captain America) - 史蒂夫·罗杰斯(Steve Rogers)与昔日伙伴白狼/冬日战士(White Wolf / Winter Soldier) - 巴奇(Bucky Barnes)的相遇感到好笑。毕竟前一阵才头发油腻邋遢的巴奇在下一幕居然全身舒爽的样子,头发甚至已经烫好等待美国队长来到瓦坎达(Wakanda)。




“两年期间,娜塔莎(Natasha / Black Widow 黑寡妇)、山姆(Sam / Falcon 猎鹰)和史蒂夫其实是在四处流浪,他们也只有在特殊情况下才回到瓦坎达。” - 《无限战争》编剧 - Stephen McFeely

“In the two years that Natasha, Sam, and Steve were insurgents, they probably had cause to go back to Wakanda, hideout, move on from there, etc. ”


“So yeah, I think once Bucky got — that Shuri, more or less, was successful in sort of repairing his mind, there was a big ‘oh my god, I got that guy back’ moment. I mean, at the very least, Cap was aware of his progress. You know, maybe they Skyped.”


当然,这也不是第一次有美国队长和巴奇的基情爆料出现,其实对于他们两位,《无限战争》导演 - 罗素兄弟(Russo Brothers)也曾经发表意见。

其中导演 Joe Russo说:“我觉得我们根据之前的剧情再从中发展。在《英雄内战》的事件发生后一定有过了一段时间,加上巴奇也需要时间疗愈自己。相信大家也知道舒莉是个天才,更可能是全球最聪明的人,她也找到了多年来没有人能治疗巴奇的一个方式。对我们来说,史蒂夫在《英雄内战》后四处逃跑,他也尽量与舒莉和特查拉(T'Challa)两人保持联络。很明显地,他藏在了某处,我也觉得他为了要见上巴奇一面而去过瓦坎达几次,所以我们才有了他熟悉地穿过瓦坎达屏障的一幕。这并不是他与巴奇第一次见面了。

“I think we make these choices based on the story real estate that we have. An appropriate amount of time had passed for Bucky to be healed since Civil War. Shuri, as we know, is a genius, perhaps the smartest person in the world, and she found a way to repair Bucky when nobody else could for many years. I think for us, clearly, Steve had been on the run since Civil War has been keeping in close contact with Shuri and T’Challa. Obviously he’s been hiding somewhere; I think he’s made his way through Wakanda a couple of times, and that’s how we directed that scene. it was not the first time that they were seeing each other since he woke up.”

卧槽!怎么越来越基了啊?感觉上腐女们会high翻好吗~ 况且两人见面时还温馨一笑,真让人不禁想象他们两人之间的感情到底是纯Bro,还是有点基基的呢!你们觉得呢?我们一起来谈谈吧!





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